22. Jan 2024

Working on a "Designing for AI" Guide

I'm trying to get a sense of AI as a design material – to fine-tune my intuition for working with AI.

I am convinced that as a designer, you need a very good understanding and feeling for the technology you work with to craft truly useful tools and interfaces.

Artificial intelligence, especially the latest form of generative AI with large language models (LLMs), is very powerful, while also having problems that are not obvious on the surface level.

In the past months, I was able to get a better intuition of the capabilities and limitations of AI, from a designer's perspective — by creating my own design and coding experiments, finding other designers playing with AI, and also going deep into the technical side with podcasts and articles/papers.

So much that I’m at a point where I may be helpful in creating a small guide on designing for (not with) AI. In the past 3 weeks, I’ve been collecting notes and references for this new section on this website.

On that journey, I found some inspiring designers who have been much longer than me in this space. And they already contributed many insights for designers trying to design AI assisted products.

Like Jared Ficklin from argodesign, Lennart Ziburski, and Josh Clark. I will incorporate and reference their work into this guide, hoping to build a long-lasting resource for designers trying to get into this space.